Monday, September 27, 2010

Pre Trip Stressing

This being my first blog I've ever written, I'm quite unsure how to start...I might as well just dive right in!!

Nic and I are traveling this year. I just finished my first year of college at SMCC where I had an absolutely dreadful experience. And Nic just finished high school. Our original plan was to travel to California, Hawaii, Ecuador, Chile, Spain and then Ireland. But we have sadly cut out Spain and Ireland and are saving them for another trip so that we can spend more time there.

So first stop is California for about a week and the Hawaii for three months! Ecuador for about one month and Chile for maybe a month and a half. We will be WWOOFing about. (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) Right now we are in the toilsome but exciting process of contacting farms and writing resumes and answering questions and making many long distance phone calls! Did you know Hawaii is 5-6 hours behind us!! (and by us I mean Maine people)

We are both finishing up our summer/now turning into fall jobs. I love my job and I feel so guilty for saying this but I am sooo ready to be done!!! I cannot wait to travel and see the world! Oh and we are also trying to find colleges to apply to before we go so we are both totally stressed out!!

I can't figure out what I want to pack or what I need to buy to pack or how to pack it or when to start packing! I'm thinking and planning to bring so many things I'm sure I'll need at least 5 suitcases which maybe isn't so smart considering its probably going to cost about $50 a bag to put on a plane since airlines are lame now and also I only have 2 arms and am going to be backpacking around. Meh. I suppose I'll just have to stick with my backpack and a carry on. Scary idea for me!

I think I may be getting sick, which might be nice because then that will mean I will be stuck all day in bed and will HAVE to get things done for our trip and for college. Meaning I will have to do research and send emails and write a college essay!

My pinky on my left hand is a bit sore. Probably from all this typing! I haven't typed this much in awhile! (Don't you dare laugh at me!) I guess I shall sign off now since this first post is getting a bit lengthy...

Until next time!!



  1. Hey I think you're cute and I can't wait to travel with you!!! I'm the first commenter, I better say something good! ummm.... Good blog! haha. Love ya!

  2. I see an airplane and clouds, hmmm, I'm walking a fine line of feeling the need to comment as an Aunt of Nic which I feel comes with certain responsibilities that I often fail to comprehend therefore I'll opt for future comments which express whatever I'm thinking. Right now I want to pack myself in your backpacks and go with you. It all sounds like so much fun.
